The latest on the farm

Yes, its been a while since I've posted anything, turns out having a farm takes up a lot of time.  As does having a farm and other outside jobs.  I actually just returned from a family vacation and left my amazing assistants, Tara, Rose Marie and Every, to hold down the fort for what felt like a long while.  Its such an incredibly calming feeling to fully trust someone(s) with what I often refer to as 'my baby'.  I do like the specks of vacation I've still got in the bottom of my pockets though, vacations are healthy.

So, the farm.  It is full on right now, the days are long and seem to roll into each other.  Two weeks ago we had two very long back to back days where we harvested about 350 chickens, our first harvest of the season.  Other than those being the longest two days during the longest week ever, the harvest went very smooth and the chickens look beautiful.  

I am trying something new this year and instead of harvesting the (very small) females, I am selling them as ready-to-lay hens.  So far, minus the logistics, this has been successful.  There are a lot of farms and back yard chicken raisers who, despite the cuteness of baby chicks, want their eggs now and don't want to worry about heat lamps and the constant attention chicks require.  There are currently some 18-week hens still available, in case you are interested, just sayin.

This last week the youngest batch of chickens just went out to pasture (literally).  They are Barred Plymouth Rocks and Delawares and seem psyched about their shiney new coops and roaming around outside.  The turkeys also left their brooder and are outside foraging in the grass, learning what it means to have a snood, and are a never-ending source of entertainment.

The pigs are still very cute and busy eating, rooting and romping around outside as well.  The ones who have been here since March have gotten very used to belly rubs, be sure to check out our Facebook page for an awesome video of how good it is to be a pig here. 

Some other big news is that Im going to be selling at my first farmers market.  You can come to the Saturday Palo Alto Farmers Market starting this Saturday, July 11th and visit me as I'll be selling chickens and sharing a booth with LeftCoast Grass-fed beef.  A perfect spot for all of your delicious pasture-raised protein needs.  Thus concludes my mid July semi exhausted farm update, stay tuned for more creativity.

Dede Boies

Pasture raised chickens, ducks, turkeys and pigs

Free Farm Tour


Hibernation is over and our second season is underway!